Safety for our children is a number 1 priority. To help out our new parents, we’ve compiled the key tips you’ll need to know to ensure your baby has a safe sleep space. From choosing the right cot to setting up the sleep environment for your little, here’s what you need to know.

Baby Cot Safety Tips & Checklist

Cot Mobiles and White Noises

Babies may sleep more than 15 hours a day. Of course nurseries should be designed for the best quality sleep, but often parents also want every touch point in our children’s environment to help with their development to make sure we take advantage of newborns and infants’ growing brains! That’s why mobiles are very popular. Mobiles often provide good sensory stimulation with its sounds, colors, and textures. Parents often also find them useful for both keeping babies entertained and soothing when they wake up from naps. 

👉 Check our article on the Benefits of Bedtime Music and White Noise for babies

While cot mobiles are helpful to have around, we must be cognizant of a few things on sleep safety and ensuring sleep quality. Here are 5 things to look for:

  • Avoid mobiles that have strings, it can easily be a strangulation hazard
  • Mobiles with noise can be good, especially with their white noise. Try to avoid those with stimulating music. Those can be saved for the play pen!
  • Make sure that the parts on the mobile is at least 2” in diameter to reduce choking risk
  • Avoid rattles with sharp edges 
  • The AAP recommends using sounds that measure a maximum of 50 decibels, which is equivalent to moderate rainfall.
All in all, while mobiles can be helpful, we suggest using a white noise machine to create a womb like sound environment and allow the crib to be as empty as possible so that it’s safe and ensures baby understand when they are in the crib, it’s time to sleep (and not play!).

    Avoid Drop-Side Cots or Cribs

    If you are considering purchasing a baby bed, please pay attention to the structural design of the side rails. 

    The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has warned that drop-side cribs with pull-down side rails can easily cause injuries or even suffocation to babies. The pull-down side rails have led to instances where babies got stuck between the side rails and the mattress. These malfunctions have led to 32 infants in the US during a 9-year period. For this reason, cribs with drop-down side rails have been banned from manufacture and sale in the United States since 2011. These are still on sale in Hong Kong and other parts of the world, so please be aware.

    Pillows, Quilts and Stuffed Toys

    Although plush toys are cute and soft, pediatric experts advise that toys, pillows, duvets, cot bumpers or loose bedding should not be placed in the crib to ensure the safest cot environment for your baby. This reduces the risk of suffocation, accidents or even sudden infant death syndrome.

    Parents may introduce a soft toy, duvet or comforter once their baby has reached a year old.

    Choose The Right Mattress for Your Crib

    Your baby’s mattress should be tightly-fitted, and the same size as the crib, so that your baby doesn’t trap their arms, body or legs between the mattress and the crib. As a rule of thumb, gaps should be no larger than two fingers wide. 

    It is also important to adjust the mattress height according to your baby’s age. If your mattress is too high, your baby may be able to crawl or climb out of their crib. Convertible cribs are the best because they have different configurations that you can convert to make it the safest for you baby.

    That's why we've designed our convertible little with 6 different configurations. The Little Hushies’ 6-in-1 convertible crib is built and designed for all stages of a baby’s growth. Top it up with the Organic Baby Mattress™ to create the perfect and safest nest!

    Written by Hush Home’s Pediatric Sleep Experts

    Stephanie Huen: Certified Health Consultant, Pediatric Sleep Expert
    Dr. Charlotte Tang: Registered Clinical Psychologist

    Please note: The suggestions provided in this article are for educational reference only and should not be regarded as medical advice. If you have any health concerns or questions, please consult your family doctor or pediatrician directly.