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Baby Sleep Bible

Expert tips from Hush Home highlighted in local news media
May 24, 2024
Our own sleep expert Stephanie shares this fun and simple belly breathing exercise! Try it out with your child to help them relax and focus on their breath in a fun and positive environment.
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May 16, 2024
Pregnancy has been shown to cause more frequent vivid and powerful dreams. We share about why this occurs, how it affects sleep and some tips to improve sleep during pregnancy.
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May 06, 2024
Our pediatric and sleep experts share the key tips you need to ensure your baby has the safest cot or crib, for the best sleep environment possible.
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Apr 30, 2024
Learn about the 5 S’s method to help you soothe a crying baby. This method aims to re-create the environment of the womb, which can be very comforting for your baby.
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Apr 25, 2024

We break down the importance of sleep for young children, and answer the 3 biggest questions that parents ask about improving their child's sleep quality.

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Apr 23, 2024
Our top 5 tips to make storytelling more engaging and calming for both parents and children. From enriching stories visually to connecting it to your child's imagination, these tips aim to improve your child's language development and ease them into a restful night's sleep.
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Apr 19, 2024
A baby swaddle can simulate the environment of the womb, and provides a strong sense of security for your baby. Before using a baby swaddle to wrap your infant, make sure to keep these 4 tips in mind.
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Aug 02, 2023
美國兒科學會一項研究回顧了歷來78 篇相關醫學研究,當中一些短期實驗室研究結果顯示,嬰兒包巾有助嬰兒在出生後首3個月(亦稱「第四孕期」)裡增加睡眠時間,減少受驚嚇次數。
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Jul 24, 2023
嬰兒半夜喊醒似乎是必經的夢魘,尤其是在4至6個月大的 「睡眠倒退期」。健康顧問丶嬰幼兒睡眠專家建議,家長可以嘗試S.I.T.B.A.C.K 的觀望策略,減低孩子的依賴...
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Jun 28, 2023
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Jun 27, 2023
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Jun 13, 2023
要讓小怪獸們放鬆下來,「內在小孩」正念課程創辦人Susan Kaiser Greenland 在書中提及...
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May 24, 2023
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May 24, 2023
Fit your irregular feeds into a tidy newborn feeding schedule and serve your newborn the right breast or formula milk volume at the right time!
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Apr 11, 2023
新生兒夜晚喊醒扭抱,新手爸媽苦無對策? 美國兒科醫生及暢銷書作家提倡5S抱法,對於初生起至4個月大嬰兒,能觸發天生鎮靜機制...
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Apr 11, 2023

Has sleep regression affected your baby or toddler? Don’t worry, it’s a perfectly normal part of growing up but can alter your infant’s sleep schedule from 4-month to 8-month sleep regression...

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Apr 07, 2023
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Mar 22, 2023
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Mar 09, 2023
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Mar 01, 2023

You’re not alone when it comes to pregnancy back pain: it’s more common than you might think among expectant women and usually occurs in the second trimester, although those who already have chronic back problems may notice symptoms much earlier. This guide is here to help you understand more about back pain during pregnancy and the benefits quality sleep!

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Feb 24, 2023
Find out how bedtime music for infants and white noise can help your baby fall asleep faster. Learn about the pros of incorporating soothing sounds into your baby’s bedtime routine and how it promotes a more peaceful and restful night’s sleep. Read on to learn more.
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May 18, 2021
Sleep is especially important for children’s growth, so if you're not certain how much sleep your kids should get, this article will teach you sleep tips for children. Make sure your children get adequate sleep to help your children grow physically, cognitively and mentally. We want to encourage all parents to help their children develop good sleep hygiene for better sleep. Read on to find out more about sleep tips for children and how to choose a mattress for your kids.
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Nov 21, 2019
It’s widely accepted that a good sleep night’s is the key to waking with the physical and mental energy to make the most of the day ahead for everyone, and when you’re pregnant, this is especially important because you need you need enough sleep for two! To celebrate your first Mother’s Day, we’ve got all the information you could possibly need to get the best night’s sleep you can when pregnant – from sleeping positions to bedding selection...
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